Invitations are in the mail, you should get yours soon! We can't wait to celebrate with everyone :) 

One thing to note is that we bought regular stamps (not forever stamps) and the price of stamps is going up starting in January. So if you send back your RSVP after January you will need an extra stamp or you can just email your RSVP to [email protected]. Don't forget to include what songs you want to dance to!
Check out the wedding details tab ... we posted a bunch of new info! We are going to be in Puerto Vallarta from Wednesday, May 14th to Tuesday, May 20th. Can't wait to see all of you there!
A first round of pics are up from Laura Michelle Photography. There's lots more to come so keep checking back!
There is new info under the wedding tab! We have a location and a date set!
Casey proposed and I said yes!! Check out the "Wedding!" tab for details on the engagement and the wedding!
So I have not been getting any better with updating our blog :) Basically we have just been crazy busy recently, it seems like it was just summer but somehow Thanksgiving is next week. How did that happen?? I put up posts on most of our big events over the past few months.
So ... we haven't been that great about keeping this updated but here are some updates on what we have been up to the first couple of months of 2012:

Casey has been teaching Mikaela how to ski, which has been awesome. We might have a couple more days at the mountain this season but are getting close to wrapping up. So far Mik has mastered the green runs and has moved on to the blues, maybe we will talk black diamonds next season??

Casey's new job has been going great, he is killing it! So far he is up to 8 fills (6 permanent and 2 contract) and was only forecasted to get to 9 by June. He won "Winner Winner Steak Dinner" for his company for first quarter which basically means that he is way above expectations.

We also played on an early spring softball team this year ... This was interesting considering that for half of our games it was below 40 degrees. The first double header was great but it declined for the rest of our games as our players kept getting hurt. It was a good experience but I definitely think that softball is better left as a summer sport.

One last thing, in March we went to the Pacific Rim Gymnastics Competition which was an elite level gymnastics competition featuring athletes that will be competing at this years Olympics. It was amazing to see those gymnasts perform in person! The USA had a strong showing, winning both team gold medals and many individual all-around and event medals. We can't wait to watch the Olympics this summer!

Hope everyone has a Happy Easter tomorrow!
Gina, Aydin & Ka'ori came to visit in late October so we spent most of the weekend with family. Most of the time was spent being entertained by the kids and/or watching football (although this second activity was disappointing due to the dismal performance by all Washington football teams). Aydin was cracking everyone one up with conversations that primarily went like this:

Gary: "Aydin, how are your peaches?"
Aydin: "They're orange!!!"

And Ka'ori was equally as adorable but we still have a few more months before she is walking and talking. It was a great weekend spent with family!
We have had a busy couple of weeks with work, date nights, hanging out with friends and football season.

We took a hummer stretch limo out to the Tulalip Casino for Jodi's birthday. Mikaela had never gambled before and needless to say we definitely didn't make money but it was still a fun time.

Since then we have both been super busy at work but we squeezed in a couple of dates, one to go to the new Lion King in 3D, a trip out to Yea's Wok (our favorite chinese place) and a dinner date at Anthony's. We also went to the UW Volleyball game for the 3rd ranked Huskies! Although we couldn't get Casey into a purple shirt he did cheer for the huskies and we won!

We wrapped everything up with a lazy Sunday this weekend, watching football all day was a nice way to wind down after a busy couple of weeks.
Well here goes !!! We are off and running as they say with a blog of our lives. We know that most of the events have already occurred this summer which is why we have posted several slide shows of our trips and the sights as well. Now, if we can actually keep on this thing and our families follow it, well, that would be amazing as well. This is a work in process to say the least as both Mikaela and myself are new at this whole blogging thing...oh, and we also have full time jobs so bare with us...This should be a fun little project though and hopefully it will bring us closer to all of you as well. Enjoy!